How to get buyers data of any century

Import export data

The globalization of market has made buyerfrom other countries to be a prestige to your business which has many opportunities.

That being said, working out how to reach outto these buyers could prove to be a tricky endeavor that can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

The good news is that with the right approach,tools and resources this can be easily simplified. Now, it is possible to describe how to obtain buyer data from any givencountry without finding the process complicated, intimidating or difficult.

Why It is Important to Identify the right Consumers

Suppose you operate an MBO selling homemadeproducts, and you wish to extend your operations to other countries.

The general idea of the matter is that youshould search for the buyers who can be really interested in the goods which you are selling and thus make your business effective.

Thisway, you know who the buyers are, what their tendencies are and who you can
approach them with a product since you already know them.

Step 1:Understand Your Target Market

If you’re gearing up for a sales pitch, beginwith this one: Take your time and establish what your products would be in demand in. Consider what you offer in the market and to which countries there might be demand for such goods. For example:

You should look for markets in countries whosepeople have an affinity for spices and tasty food such as Middle Eastern countries or Europe.

If the production and selling of your businessis based on emissions-free textiles, environmental minded countries can be a market.

This way, you will both save your time andeffort as well as up the odds of reaching real interested parties.

Step 2:Use a good Apparatus & Resource/Tools

After identifying your target market, the nextthing is to get information about buyers. It is at this point that products like Siomex become relevant. Siomex is an import-export data provider and the one can get the important information related to the trading partners.

They obtain information from customs, recordsof shipments and other such means in order to ensure that you businesses like yours, can identify people who may be interested to purchase your products.

For example, it can be electronics which youintending to export to Canada. Siomex also enables users to look for potential buyers from Canada to whom they often import products of such nature. You will also be able to access all the information about their purchases, including
their contact data, etc., in one account.

Step 3:Engage Trade Shows and Virtual Social Networking

When you are looking for people to buy yourproducts, trade shows and online community are some of the best places to look at. Here’s how you can use them:

Trade Shows: Participate in internationaltrade related to your trade shows. For example, if you are in home decor business, try and seek out events that attract the buyers and suppliers. This
give you the opportunity to interact directly with the buyers and market your goods.

Online Communities: From LinkedIn, Facebookgroups, to trade forums, there are businesses actively looking for partners. Connect with appropriate lists, post what you have to sell, and comment on threads of potential customers.

Although these methods are time consuming andmay take longer to implement these can assist one in establishing a long term business relationship with the customers.

Step 4:Reach Out Strategically

The next step once you’ve gathered buyerinformation is to reach out to the buyer. But the manner you do so does count. Keep it simple and professional, like this:

Be ready to declare who you are and who yourbusiness is.

Tell everyone about your product and describewhy this product will important for the buyer.

Personalize it prove that you have heard themout.

This makes the buyers feel valued, and theprobability of the response will be high.

Step 5:Stay Organized

I like this structure and as you begin toengage with buyers it is wise to monitor your progress. Some buyers’ information can be stored in basic formats such as Excel or familiar customer
relationship management (CRM). This will assist you in not missing any opportunity in your overall prospecting exercise.

Step 6:Keep Learning and Adapting

Therefore, it is very important to understandthe trends happening on the international market. Stay up to date with new trends, buyers and market needs. Through services like Siomex, the latest data to keep abreast with the latest knowledge is within your fingertips.

For example if you realize that a givencountry is importing more of a certain product you supply then you can make changes to your plan to supply that market. It will be important to stay on top of things, so that you are always able to capitalize on opportunities that come your way.

A Finaland Rather Basic Example to Summarize

For instance, suppose you have a business thatsells environmentally friendly utensils for the kitchen. You choose a marketing segment as buyers in Europe, more so because many consumers are now embracing sustainable products. Here’s how you’d go about it:

To determine the potential of your product inEurope analyze the market and find users who already buy similar products.

Come to forums and groups devoted to greenlifestyles and environmentally friendly products.

Visit home or environmental friendly productsrelated fairs anyone can attend both online and physical fairs.

A simple mail can be sent to the potentialcustomers informing them on why the kitchen ware to be used is extremely important in today’s society.

Influx of buyers’ responses should be tracked;the buyer should also be followed up and the strategies should be changed based on the feedback given.


To identify other buyers it may sound somewhatcumbersome initially, but in fact it is rather easy once provided with the right approach and tools. Knowing your target audience, actively using platforms such as Siomex, and creating sincere relationships will allow you to enter the international market.

Research more, state your intentionssensitively and remain well-ordered. It could be in spices, or it could be in textiles, or in kitchenware, the buyers who you are targeting are out there,
you just have to know how to locate them.

If you make a constant effort, the businessexpands not only in size but in its associates as well, who can stay loyal for several years. So, why wait? Start looking at buyer data today to transform your business and ultimately aspire to greater heights.


1. Howdoes buyer’s data help my business?

Potential customers’ data allows you to notonly learn about a customer but also approach that individual effectively. Marketing communications are a critical element in the process of growing your business into new markets and boosting sales.

2. Thequestion that might strike the mind of a would-be exporter is; which countries
should I market my products?

First of all, define your products and try toguess, where they could be useful and in what country. Trade research, speak to other traders, and browse the Siomex database to locate areas importing similar commodities.

3. Whatis Siomex treatment and what can help me?

Siomex is an import-export data service. Majorbenefits include; it provides information on buyers, their buying behaviors, and even their contact information will make it easier to reach out to them and in the process expanding the business.

4. Isit possible to obtain buyers’ data without paying for it?

However, there are often simple fillingavailable online but to get correct and detailed information one must go for Siomex that also give better result and hence we should go for it.

5. Whatspecifics should I receive in buyers’ data?

Customer databases usually contain the buyer’sname, company name, address, telephone number, e-mail address and fax number, which product types they prefer and which goods and services they have purchased before and sometimes the shipping information.

6. Whatdo you do after getting the buyers’ data?

Reach out professionally. It has becometradition to tell them your name and the name of your company; tell them how your product can benefit THEM and give it a personal touch.

7. Thisis certainly an interesting question: Are trade shows effective ways of finding

Indeed, buyers can be met directly at tradeshows. It is a platform for business networking; to display your products and gain the confidence of the International buyers.

8. Isit possible to make a search for buyers on social media?

Absolutely. Organizations such as LinkedIn andFace book have groups and communities through which buyers and suppliers meet.
The customer can be reached through the following methods: Becoming a member of
relevant groups and sharing information about the products and where they are sold.

9. Howcan I keep all my emails and contacts of the different buyers in order?

Employ writing software such as excel or thecustomer relationship management (CRM) software to note the details of the buyer and her/him communication and follow up. This helps you not to lose sight of opportunities or contacts in the process.

10.What should I do if there is no response from buyers?

If a buyer doesn’t respond, wait for some daysor hours and then write a follow up e-mail. Finally, when passing your message, ensure that is brief and formal. If they still do not get back to you, focus on other prospects the market is full ofcustomer-bots.

11.When should I update my buyers list?

Buyers’ data should be updated time to time tomeet up with the current market. It is often the case that tools such as Siomex supply the most up-to-date figures to your data sources, making your information more up-to-date.

12. Isbuyers data only for big businesses?

Not at all! Small and medium business can alsoget a lot of values from buyers’ data. It is because it assists in offering useful suggestions and linkages regardless of position in society.

13. Isit possible to acquire buyers’ data in esoteric product categories?

Yes, there is third-party data such as Siomexwhere all kinds of data for even specialty products can be obtained. The website allows you to search for buyers according to product type and or market segment.

14. Asa marketer, how do these import-export data assist me in understanding the
buyer behavior?

Statistics obtained from import-exportindicate factors such as which products are being imported, how frequently and by who. This information enable you to understand the current buyer needs, and how they should be addressed in order to remain relevant.

15.Which of the practices should I avoid when contacting the buyers?
Do not make broad and universal messages, longemails, and excessively forceful sales proposals. However, the emphasis should be made on the relations: to know what they want to achieve, what they need and then suggest how they can achieve it.

16. Isit possible to reach different countries’ buyers concurrently?

Well indeed, some tools such as Siomex canhelp buyers to search for sellers in many countries at the same time so converting buyer heterogeneity into a multinationality of opportunities to

17. Howcan I be confident that the data I am using is actually valid?

Trade as well as customs records are some ofthe sources that are very reliable, hence the use of such sites as Siomex. Just always check your details first before you start writing the message or making the call.

18. Isbuyers data legal to access?

Indeed all buyers data is actual and it isobtained from sources like public documents, trade reporters etc. But conducting your search on platforms such as Siomex is a good way to guarantee that all the information that you are consuming is legal.

19. Willit be possible to forecast market changes by using buyers’ data?

Definitely. Using import-export data you havea possibility to outline the trends, the products which are in high demand worldwide and the potential in the foreign markets.

20. Howdo I begin to use Siomex to look for the buyer’s data?

Go to the Siomex website, check the servicesoffered and request to apply for a database from them. After registration, users can search for buyers through the product categories, countries or other parameters to select the most suitable partners.